

  故事开始于多米尼克和布莱恩各自的小队成员带着赦免令回到美国的一年之后。他们过着循规蹈矩的日子,家乡生活的感觉很好。然而他们都不知道,危险正在悄然接近,冷血的英国特勤杀手肖出现了。从东京的韩被残忍谋杀,到洛杉矶霍布斯的死里逃生,肖有条不紊地追杀着在上一部中干掉了欧文的团队成员,因为欧文是他的弟弟。肖出现了在托雷托家,多米尼克必须去找政府高级特工帮忙。主人公们唯一的希望就是继续开着赛车为美国政府保护一台高科技追踪设备的样品。作为回报,他们可以利用这个设备在肖大开杀戒之前就追查到他的行踪。他们组成了史上最亲密的团队:多米尼克、布莱恩、霍布斯、莱蒂、罗姆、特尔佳、米娅——他们将面临最大的威胁,从阿布扎比转战阿塞拜疆。在那些与家园似曾相识的街道上极速飞驰。Dominic and his crew thought theyd left the criminal mercenary life behind. Theyd defeated international terrorist Owen Shaw and went their separate ways. But now, Shaws brother, Deckard Shaw, is out killing the crew one by one for revenge. Worse, a Somalian terrorist called Jakarde and a shady government official called \Mr. Nobody\ are both competing to steal a computer terrorism program called \Gods Eye,\ that can turn any technological device into a weapon. Torretto must reconvene with his team to stop Shaw and retrieve the Gods Eye program while caught in a power struggle between the terrorist and the United States government.

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