

  A 13 year old little red army Betty move forward together with the army, I finally get a bag of dry food, but over a bridge for the care of a wounded accidentally put it in your bag of dry food into the river washed away by water.

  In order to let everyone he enough food to eat, she did not tell his comrades, pretend nothing happened, pulling a lot of wild herbs into the bag, let the bag bulging.

  Soon her body is not good, the nurse found her to eat wild herbs and bag of "bread" and afterwards, we only know the truth of the matter, and each of them

  voluntarily a little food to her, let her feel the warmth of home......





  The story is small, but its content is not small.

  These little details, little stories, but let us see the Red Army fighters excellent quality - not afraid of suffering, strong, selfless, enthusiastic...... Xiao Lan, she is only a 13 year old girl, but adults he the same strong will, but know how to understand others.

  When she had no grain, she could hold out her hands and ask some of her comrades, but she did not do so. Instead, she chose silence and suffered hardships herself.

  At the moment, she would like to mind is the only ally, while ignoring its own difficulties; while the wounded were in serious condition, she could lee them easily on my way, but she did not do so without complaining, she carefully take care of every wounded, no regrets.

  Like a little girl, I can imagine the good qualities of my great red army.

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